Expression in text#

You can bind JavaScript expression in html-template.

  {a} + {b} = {a + b}
  {'text with "quotes"' + `123`}
  {`js template ${variable}`}



You can get reference to element/component using #ref and save it to a variable.

  let ref;
  let component;

<input #ref />
<Component #component />

1-way binding#

For binding to attributes and properties you can write attribute={value}, if attribute and variable names the same you can use shortcut {attribute}, for binding you can use JavaScript expression.

<input value="{value}" />
<input value={value} />
<input {value} />
<button disabled={!clickable}>Click</button>

Also you can spread an object to attributes.

  let props = {
    value: 'Hello',
    title: 'Some title'

<input {...props} />

2-way binding#

For 2-way binding you can use bind:value={value} or shortcut :value={value}, when property name the same as variable name you can omit it, e.g. :value

  let name = '';
  let checked = false;
<input type="text" :value={name} />
<input type="checkbox" :checked />

Class and Style#

To set class and style you can use class:className={condition}, style:styleName={value}.

<div class:blue={value} class:red={!value}>by class name</div>
<div class="{value?'red':'blue'}">attribute class</div>
<b style="color: {value?'green':'red'};">style as string</b>
<div style:color={color}
  style:border="1px solid {color}">
    Style as prop/template

  .blue {};
  .red {};


You can run some JavaScript code on element, use:action={param} or shortcut *action={param}, without arguments it looks like *action.

Also you can run some JavaScript code where $element is available - *{$element.focus()}.

  function draw(element) {
<div *draw></div>
<input *{$element.focus()} />

If you need more control you can pass arguments and subscribe for updates and destroy event.

  function draw(element, a, b) {
    return {
      update: (a, b) => {},
      destroy: () => {}
<div *draw={a, b}></div>

Insert JS#

You can insert casual JS in template, a current DOM-node is available as $element. example

{* const name = 'random code' }
<div {* $ = 'red' }>


To listen events you can use on:eventName={expression} or shortcut @eventName={expression}.

For expression you can use function name @click={handler} or @click:handler, function declaration @click={(e) => handler(e)} or js-expression @click={handler($event)}.

  const click = (event) => {};
<button @click>Click</button>
<button @click:click>Click</button>
<button @click={click}>Click</button>
<button @click={(e) => click(e)}>Click</button>
<button @click={click($event, $element)}>Click</button>

Also you can use modificators for elements: preventDefault or prevent, stopPropagation or stop for keyboard events: enter, tab, esc, space, up, down, left, right, delete, meta keys: ctrl, alt, shift, meta

<input type="text" @keyup|enter:handler />

Also you can forward events to a parent component, @@eventName to forward one type of event, @@ to forward all events from current element, the same works for components.

<button @@click>Click</button>
<input type="text" @@ />
<Component @@click />

Control blocks#


Block of template can be rendered by condition.

{#if condition}
  One content
  Another content


Iterating over list, you can pass a key which lets to associate item with DOM element, by default key is chosen depends on content. example shows difference depends of used key.

  {#each items as item}


{#each items as item}...{/each}
{#each items as item, index}...{/each}
{#each items as {id, name, key1, key2} }...{/each}
{#each items as item, index (}...{/each}
{#each items as item, index (index)}...{/each}
{#each number as value}...{/each}


You can declare some fragment to reuse it a few times other places. Also it can be declared anywhere, e.g. inside of the #each, so it will have all scoped variables. example

  {#fragment:button text}
    <div class="col-sm-6 smallpad">
      <button @@click class="btn">{text}</button>

  <fragment:button text='Left' @click:left />
  <fragment:button text='Right' @click:right />

Also you can call it recursively.
  let tree = [{
    name: 'OS',
    children: [{
      name: 'Linux',
      children: [{name: 'Ubuntu'}, {name: 'Debian'}, {name: 'RedHat'}]
    }, {
      name: 'MacOS X'

  const click = (name) => {console.log(name)};

<fragment:draw list={tree}>

{#fragment:draw list}
    {#each list as it}
    <li @click|stopPropagation={click(}>
      {#if it.children}
        <fragment:draw list={it.children} />

Also you can pass slot to fragment, example

  <div class="field">


  <input type="text" />


You can await a promise to display placeholder etc.

{#await promise}
{:then value}
  Data: {value}
{:catch error}
  Loading error: {error}

Possible options:

{#await expression}...{:then name}...{:catch name}...{/await}
{#await expression}...{:then name}...{/await}
{#await expression then name}...{/await}


To render some HTML, you can use {@html expression}.

  {@html post.content}


Portal lets you render a template outside of component, argument mount == 'document.body' by default. example

<malina:portal mount={document.body}>
  <div class="popup">
    <p>Some text</p>

head / body / window#

These special elements lets you handle head/body/window: example

  <title>Set title</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="theme.css" />
<malina:body @keydown|esc:escape />
<malina:window @scroll />



A component can have script block, style block and rest content becomes a template


... content ...


You can import a component import Component from './Component.html', and use it in template as <Component />, a component should start with capital letter.

  import Component from './Component.html';

<Component />

Properties and attributes#

You can pass some arguments into a component, it's a 1-way binding.

Also you can spread an object to pass all values as arguments.

<Component value={expression} {name} {...obj} />

You can use keyword export to mark a variable as property, so it will receive a value from parent component and will be updated on changes.

A parent can pass more arguments than number of props in a component, so all arguments will be available in $props, and all arguments which are not property are in $attributes.

  export let name = 'default';


<input {...$props} />
<input {...$attributes} />

2-way binding#

Syntax for 2-way binding is the same as for elements.

<Component :value={variable} />


It's possible to listen an event, forward an event and forward all events. Syntax for events is the same as for elements.

<Component @click:handler />

Also you can emit an custom event, for this you can use a built function $emit(eventName, details).

  $emit('myevent', 'info');


You can pass slots to a child component. To pass a default slot:

  Some content

<!-- Child.html -->
<slot>No content</slot>

To pass named slots:

    Some title

  Some content

    Some footer

<!-- Child.html -->

<slot />
<slot>No content</slot>
<slot:title>No title</slot>
<slot:footer>No title</slot> or <slot:footer>No title</slot:footer>

A child component can pass a property to parent slot:

  {#slot prop}
    Some content {prop.value} {parentVar}

<!-- Child.html -->

{#each items as item}
  <slot prop={item}>No content {childVar}</slot>

Call child fragment / Inverted slot#

You can call a fragment from child component, it looks like inverted slot, example

<!-- Child -->
{#fragment:title export}
  <h1 class="header">{name}</h1>

<!-- App -->


It lets you pass controls (classes, events, actions etc) without template to child component. example

<!-- App -->
  <^root class="border" />
  <^name style="font-weight: bold; color: red" />
  <^input type="text" *action :value />

<!-- Child -->
<div ^root>
  <span ^name>Name</span>
  <input ^input />

Dynamic component#

Dynamic component let you to attach a component from variable/expression.

  import Music from './Music.xht';
  import Movie from './Movie.xht';
  let comp, x;

  function toggle() {
    comp = comp == Music ? Movie : Music;
    x ^= 1;

<component:comp />
<component:{x ? Music : Movie} />

<button @click:toggle>Switch</button>

Passing CSS class#

You can pass classes into child components using property class, to be able to use it in child class you have to place such classes in external block. example, example2

Syntax: class:childClassName="parentClass globalClass"

In the example, classes red italic is passed as class font in child component. If class is not passed default styles will be used.

You can pass scoped classes, global classes and use expressions, e.g. class:font="italic {color}"

<!-- App -->
<Child class:font="red italic" />

<!-- Child -->
<div class="font">Child</div>

<style external>
  .font {color: blue;}  /* style by default */

Default class name for child component is main, and you can define it.

  • Also you can pass partly global classes (e.g. .button :global(.title))
  • Passing pseudo-classes (:hover etc)
  • Forward a class further
<!-- App -->
<Child class="red italic" />

<!-- Child -->
<div class="main">Child</div>

<style external main="main">
  .main {color: blue;}  /* style by default */

If class name starts with $ it's marked as external example

<!-- App -->
<Child class="red italic" />

<!-- Child -->
<div class="$main">Child</div>



If you have an instance of component, you can read/write properties directly, a component should have attribute property.

<!-- Component -->
<script property>
  export let value = 0;

<!-- App -->
  import Component from './Component.html';
  let comp;

  function increment() {
<Component #comp />

onMount / onDestroy#

If you need to perform some code after mounting or during destroying a component, you can use declare functions onMount, onDestroy, or use a built function $onMount(fn), $onDestroy(fn).


  function onMount() {
    // called after mounting

    $onDestroy(() => {...});  // subscribe on destroying
    $onDestroy(() => {...});

  function onDestroy() {
    // called during destroying
<Component #comp />

Turn change-detector off#

In some cases you can turn off change detection, e.g. if a component doesn't expect changes, like component "Icon":

  • If to set attribute read-only on script tag, change-detector will be off for this component.
  • If you export const name instead export let name, then some runtime will be omitted for such property.
  • Keyword !no-check in comment tells compiler to skips such js-block for "detections".
<script read-only>
  export const value = '';

  function foo() {
    // !no-check
    ... some not detected code ...

Scoped CSS#

Malina.js makes all styles are scoped for a component, it appends a prefix class to styles and elements from template based on selector, so only required elements are marked.

Using keyword :global() you make certain style as global.

  span {
    /* all <span> elements, only from
    current component will be affected */
  :global(body) {
    /* effects on <body> */
  div :global(span) {
    /* effects on all <span> elements
    (including child components)
    inside of <div> from current component */

Also you can mark whole style-block as global

<style global>
  span { /* ... */ }

Watch expression, reactivity#

Using syntax $: you can observe changes.

Computed value: $: value = a + b, value will be changed when an expression gives another result.

To observe changes in expression and call handler: $: exp, handler(). It can contain a few expressions: $: exp1, exp2, a+b, handler().

Handler also can be link to function or statement: $: exp, (newValue) => console.log(newValue); or $: exp, console.log(exp) or $: exp, handler

  let name = '';
  $: header = name.toUpperCase();
  $: name, () => console.log(name);
  $: a + b, onChangeSum

<input type="text" :value={name} />


An arbitrary context object of a component, a content is available in child components. For external libs it must be imported from "malinajs" and used during component initialisation. example

// App.xht
$context.value = 'Test';

// Child.xht
let value = $context.value;

// lib.js
import { $context } from 'malinajs';
let value = $context.value;

Error handling#

Errors which can't be caught by try-catch is handled by Malina.js and displayed to console, but you can override it. example

import {configure} from "malinajs/runtime.js";
  onerror(e) {console.error(e)}


You can override config for any folder, you can save malina.config.js in target folder. It lets you use different config/plugins for different folders/libs.

const sassPlugin = require('../plugins/sass.js');

module.exports = function(option, filename) {
  option.passClass = false;
  option.immutable = true;
  option.plugins = [sassPlugin()];
  option.autoimport = name => `import ${name} from './${name}.xht';`;
  return option;

Compile options#

  • warning - (function) to receive warnings
  • inlineTemplate - (true/false) convert new line to \n
  • hideLabel - (true/false) hide comment tags (labels) from DOM
  • compact - (true/false) remove spaces between DOM elements
  • autoSubscribe - (true/false) autosubscribe imported stores
  • cssGenId - (function) generate hash for css classes
  • debugLabel - (true/false) adds info label nodes
  • css - (true/false/function) controls how to handle CSS, true - adds css to JS bundle, false - into outside css file, function - intercepts css for manual handling
  • passClass - (true/false) passing classes to child component, it's true by default.
  • immutable - (true/false) if true it doesn't perform deep comparison of objects
  • autoimport - a function to handle missed components e.g. (name) => "import ${name} from './${name}.xht';";